Overview on How to Apply Epoxy to Garage Floor
Garages are the perfect place to store all of your seasonal items. You can use them for storing everything from lawnmowers, bikes, and gardening tools in the spring and summer months to Christmas decorations in winter. But these spaces are often neglected when it comes to upkeep. The flooring is rarely sealed or treated with anything that will protect it against spills, overspray, or stains. If you neglect this area of your home long enough, rust-resistant paint may start peeling off the walls and concrete floors may become stained with oil drips from cars left overnight. And once you have a problem like this on your hands – especially if it’s an old garage where things were never properly maintained in the first place – fixing up one thing leads to another, and before you know it the entire space is a disaster. In this article we’ll be going over a brief overview on how to apply epoxy to garage floor.
Here is a short video tutorial on how you can epoxy your garage floor!
Applying epoxy to garage floor is not a difficult process, but it does require some preparation. Make sure the surface of the floor is clean and degreased, and if there are any deep stains or blemishes you want to cover up, patch them with auto body filler before applying the epoxy.
Once your garage floor is prepared, you will need to prepare the epoxy for application. This means mixing it according to the manufacturer’s specifications – this should be done outside of course as breathing in fumes from a can of paint stripper is never a good idea! Make sure to use safety gear such as gloves, goggles and a mask.
Next, lay out a tarpaulin on your garage floor so that it covers the area where you will be painting. It may seem logical to start applying coat after coat of epoxy until you have covered every inch but this is not the best course of action. Instead, it is better to apply a thin layer and then come back another day and add another thin coat. It may seem like you need to paint more than one coat because it might look unimpressive after just one application, but if you add too much at once your garage floor will end up with ridges or bumps that could prevent it from reaching its maximum level of protection.
With these steps in mind, you should be able to put together an excellent epoxy sealant for your garage floor. To learn more about applying epoxy and how it can protect your home, contact our company Solid Custom Floor Coatings!
10292 S Progress Way #B, Parker, CO 80134
(303) 209-6536