Open up your Instagram or TikTok app and you’ll see lots of videos where an artist is taking resin and making different artistic pieces with it. That’s because over the past few years, epoxy, an artistic form that uses resin, has grown in popularity.
In this article, we provide a few key reasons why epoxy is growing in popularity. We’ll then go over some of the downsides of this type of flooring. Ultimately, we would like to help you make the best decision for you and your home.
Why Epoxy is Popular and The Downsides To It
Resin, which is used in epoxy, is used to make earrings, necklaces, tables, countertops and many other things. With epoxy, a type of resin, the resin hardens and forms a new substance called a polymer. This makes epoxy stand out from other materials.
That being said, here’s why epoxy flooring has become so popular.
The Assumption: Epoxy flooring is very durable and strong
Because the popularity of epoxy is rooted in it’s durability, a lot of people turn to epoxy in their flooring. That’s because epoxy supposedly doesn’t crack as easily. According to this assumption, epoxy floors are also durable which means that they last longer. The reason that epoxy lasts longer is because the resin mixture is placed on top of the concrete surface. That means that the chemical process leads to the extreme hardening of the resin which makes the epoxy flooring durable and strong.
The Reality: Epoxy flooring will need to be replaced or redone
When epoxy is exposed to excessive sunlight, it can lead to discoloration. This is especially true in areas of your home where there’s a lot of sunlight. Additionally, as with most materials, foot traffic and just the daily activities that happen on the floor can mean that the epoxy will need to be changed. It’s also important to note that, despite what you’ve heard, epoxy floors can get chipped or cracked.
The Assumption: Epoxy floor is easy to install
Oftentimes, because epoxy is being used on a concrete floor, the surface doesn’t need to be removed. For information on how to install the epoxy, read this. Because epoxy is much simpler to install than other flooring types, this makes epoxy seem more effective.
The Reality: Epoxy is expensive
Once you’ve already applied a certain type of epoxy, it’s hard to remove. It’s also difficult to change the colors of the epoxy. What this means is that epoxy flooring can require additional costs. Additionally, epoxy has a long curing time and is sometimes very complex; even the slightest touch or movement can interfere with the curing process.
Solid Custom Floor Coatings
At Solid Custom Flooring Coatings, we want to make sure that you get the right information when it comes to the flooring options you have. We can advise you on what can work for your home. Call us to find out what could work in your home and the different choices that you have when it comes to flooring. Remember, just because something is popular doesn’t mean that it’s the best option for you and your home.
Additionally, at Solid Custom Floor Coatings, we also offer polyurea flooring which is a better and more efficient alternative to epoxy. Like epoxy, polyurea offers beauty, durability, and the ability to protect concrete from water. But unlike epoxy, it rarely cracks and is more cost efficient. So, you can enjoy the benefits of epoxy like how easy it is to customize it to your taste. You can also avoiding the downsides of epoxy like the costs associated with new epoxy flooring.
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