What’s the Polyaspartic Floor Coating Process Like?
Floor Coating Process
The Polyaspartic process takes one day to complete and install. The first step in the process is grinding the surface of the concrete with our diamond grinders. We use top-of-the-line grinders with special vacuum attachments to ensure there is no concrete dust for you to clean up afterward. Once everything is ground, the crew will go over the floor once more with vacuums to get all of the dust cleaned up. If there is any repair work to be done (i.e. filling cracks in the concrete, filling dents and spalling, or skim coating), the crew will fix all repairs with a concrete-like mender. Once the mender dries, they will go over it with the grinder to smooth everything out.
Now it’s time for the base layer to be rolled on. The base layer we use is called polyurea, which is almost like a glue for the vinyl paint chips to adhere to. The chips are the next layer of the coating that provides color and texture. The chips are thrown across the polyurea layer.
The crew will apply one and a half more chips than necessary to ensure full and complete coverage. Once this layer dries for about half an hour, the crew will come back in to scrape away the excess chips. Lastly, the polyaspartic topcoat will be applied with a squeegee over the entire surface, then will be rolled out over every square foot so it’s nice and even.

Polyaspartic is a product that is chemical and stain resistant, as well as UV, protected. It will take about 24 hours to dry before you can park your car and put all of your belongings back into the garage. Learn more about after application care.
A Polyaspartic (Epoxy) Floor Coating is an excellent floor coating choice. Our Polyaspartic (Epoxy) Floor Coatings provide durability, quality, and outstanding style in a short time period. Solid Custom Floor Coatings is ready to install a floor that will last many days to come. Are you ready for a floor revamp?